That last post wasn't me. Lindsey was using my computer and got on my blog. I don't feel like deleting it though. So, whatever. Ha ha.
Umm... What to talk about? Well, I've been feeling kind of mopey lately. I think I'm just ready for spring to be here, enough with the teasing. One day it's like 65 degrees and sunny then the next day... it looks like today. Like 40 degrees and rainy. I'm also probably mopey because I'm so over school. I just want summer break to be here. I've got this summer break itch... you know where you just want to give up on school and all you can think about is going home or being out on the boat. Yeah and it probably doesn't help that I miss Patrick like crazy. I just want to go home, like forever. I'm so done with Muncie. I just want to go home and see my family and friends and Patrick.
This next 6 weeks is going to be the longest 6 weeks of my life. I just have to remember to keep my nose in the books and keep chugging along. Because I know me... once I get mopey and I'm no longer motivated, it's over. So please try and help me keep my chin up. Thanks.